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Duka is “Winner”

of the German Design Award 2018

Technology in a nutshell - Duka receives the “Winner” award from the German Design Award 2018 for its “Duka icons”. These intuitively understandable symbols identify the technical highlights of the Duka products and highlight functions such as UV bonding, doors with a lifting / lowering mechanism or auto-close-system. The high quality of the design and the communication performance of the Duka icons convinced the jury of the German Design Award 2018, so that Duka is one of the award-winning companies again this year.

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Excellent communication

The German Design Award is the international premium prize of the German Design Council, with the objective of discovering, presenting and honoring unique design trends. With the “Duka icons”, a visually clear and impressive communication tool of Duka has been honored and awarded. Discover highlights. Discover technology.

to the official award >
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  duka AG, Duka Straße 2, I-39042 Bressanone (BZ), Italia, Tel. + 39 0472 273 100, Nr. P.I. IT01583690217,

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